Fireside Café
Just off the main corridor in Pierpont Commons, Fireside is a cozy place to study or share a meal with friends. Its delicious menu of comforting, hot entrees and selection of local vendors makes this a favorite on North Campus.
You can find your favorite local restaurants at Flare and Maize Blaze. During break periods, only the Maize Blaze local vendor will be available.
Experience Local Flavor at Fireside Cafe! Area restaurants will serve their delicious foods daily right here at Fireside!
Palm Palace, Ginger Deli, and aMa Bistro
El Harissa, Taste of India, and Cuppy’s Best
Palm Palace, Plate Chicken and Sushi, and Rite Spice
El Harissa, Satchels BBQ, and Ginger Deli
Taste of India, aMa Bistro, and Everest Sherpa
Michigan Dining does not review, test or guarantee the accuracy of ingredient, allergy or nutrition information disclosed by visiting vendors in this facility. Guests with food allergies, food intolerances, or other special-diets that require abstaining from certain food items should consult the visiting vendor for specific ingredient questions when in the dining facility.
Michigan Dining Refund Policy: All refunds require a receipt. Every transaction will come with a receipt. If you do not receive a receipt from staff, please ask for one.
Today’s Hours
Local Flavor Restaurants: Satchels BBQ, El Harissa, and Ginger Deli
11:00 am ‑ 2:00 pm
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